Roles and Responsibilities in the Systems Development Methodology
Data Object Naming Standards have been incorporated into the systems development methodology (MAST). Each task using these standards lists this document under the Required Materials section. Projects which create or modify relational or object oriented data structures are expected to comply with these standards. These standards are not intended to be applied retroactively to our administrative legacy systems.
The following is a list of MAST Tasks that reference naming standards. It identifies worksteps within each task and who is responsible for each step. It should be used as a guide for applying naming standards. However, it cannot be used without a full understanding of the standards.
- Task 1.2.02 Develop/Review Conceptual Data Model
- Developer
- Inform database administrator of project and its related milestone dates prior to the development of a conceptual data model.
- Review the Data Object Naming Standards document prior to the development of a conceptual data model.
- Work with the end users to determine the application name. (refer to the DB2 or Sybase Standards & Procedures document for details on how to select an application name)
- End User
- Assist developers in the creation of descriptions and names for each database, table and column.
- Approve all descriptions and names.
- DB Analyst
- Work with Naming Specialist to assign a unique two-character application code.
- Assist developers and end users in applying the naming standards.
- Naming Specialist
- Enter both the application name and its two character code into the repository
- Developer
- Create a business name for the conceptual data model (refer to Section C.5 for specific standards and guidelines).
- Create a technical name for the conceptual data model (refer to Section D.3 for specific standards and guidelines).
- Obtain clear definitions for each entity and attribute
- Create meaningful business names for each entity and attribute based on their definitions (refer to Sections C.6 and C.3 respectively for specific standards and guidelines).
- DB Analyst
- Send e-mail to dss-request when conceptual data modeling is nearing completion.
- Submit requests for new prime words to dss-request.
- Naming Specialist
- Formally review business names for the conceptual data model, entities and attributes.
- Formally review technical names for the conceptual data model.
- Task 2.1.04 Review Design Standards
- Developer
- Review data model, entity and attribute sections of the naming standards document.
- Task 2.1.06 Create/Modify Logical Data Model
- Developer/DB Analyst
- If task 1.2.02 was not included in this project, the first eight worksteps from that task must be completed before moving forward on this task.
- DB Analyst
- Assist developer and end users in applying the naming standards.
- Developer
- Create a business name for the logical data model (refer to Section C.5 for specific standards and guidelines).
- Create a technical name for the logical data model (refer to Section D.3 for specific standards and guidelines).
- Create technical names for each new entity (refer to Section D.4 for specific standards and guidelines).
- Create meaningful business names for each new entity and attribute based on their definitions (refer to Sections C.6 and C.3 respectively for specific standards and guidelines).
- End User
- Assist in the refinement of descriptions and names.
- Approve all descriptions and names.
- DB Analyst
- Prior to forward-engineering, submit a list of all business and technical names to dss-request for approval. Also submit a list of technical names for the logical model for review.
- Submit requests for new standard abbreviations to dss-request.
- Naming Specialist
- Formally review business names of logical model, entities and attributes. Also review technical names for the logical data model.
- Document new prime words and standard abbreviations in the repository.
- Run all entity and attribute business names through the Name Validation and Generation process. When all names have been approved, create a new BACHMAN's translation file containing all new technical names for tables and columns.
- Task 2.2.00DD Review Database and Program Design Standards
- Developer
- Review database, table, view and column sections of the naming standards document.
- Task 2.2.10DD Execute Database/SQL Creation Procedures
- DB Analyst
- Assist developer and end users in applying the naming standards.
- Developer
- Create a business name for the database and physical data model (refer to Sections C.4 and C.5 respectively for specific standards and guidelines).
- Create a technical name for the database and physical data model (refer to Sections D.2 and D.3 respectively for specific standards and guidelines).
- Business and Technical names for columns and tables will be obtained from the entity and attribute names which were developed in task 2.1.06 (refer to Section D.5 for specific standards and guidelines).
- If this wasn't completed before now, you should run all table and column business names through the Names Validation and Generation (NVG) process to create technical names (refer to section D.1 for specific standards and guidelines). BACHMAN's forward-engineering task will use the technical names which were generated by the NVG process.
- DB Analyst
- Enter the database business name in the DBT1.DB2.TBLSPACE file.
- End User
- Review business and technical names of all physical objects.
- Task 2.3.00 Conduct Design Quality Review
- QA Team
- Refer to the Data Object Naming Standards document to determine if the conceptual, logical and physical models and their associated data objects conform to standards.
- Task 2.4.04 Create Information Delivery Components
- DB Analyst/IA Analyst
- Create business names for each view (refer to Section C.8 for specific standards and guidelines).
- Submit a list of all view names to the Name Specialist for approval.
- Naming Specialist
- Run all View business names through the NVG process to validate and generate associated technical names.
- Document new standard abbreviations in the repository.
- End User
- Approve all business and technical view names.